Electric Rice Cooker Energy Conservation Label Energy Efficiency Standard and Marking Methods (announced on January 31, 2019 and became effective on January 1, 2020)
Electric Rice Cooker Energy Conservation Label Energy Efficiency Standard and Marking Methods
Neng-ji-zi No. 10805000370
Announced on January 31, 2019, and became effective on January 1, 2020.
The applicable scope, energy efficiency testing conditions and methods and energy efficiency standards for the Electric Rice Cooker Energy Conservation Label verification application should conform to the following regulations:
(1) Applicable scope: electric rice cookers that conform to National Standards of the Republic of China (CNS): CNS 2518 or that have been certified by the competent authority.
(2) Energy efficiency test conditions and methods: the product’s thermal efficiency value (η) test conditions and test method must conform to CNS 2518 requirements.
According to Section 6.5 Thermal Conservation Efficiency in CNS 2518, the calculation of the electric rice cooker thermal efficiency value (η) is the electric rice cooker’s heating capability (Qt) divided by the total electrical consumption (E; Wh), which is shown in a percentage.
Of which, the electric rice cooker’s heating ability is Qt =Q1+Q2
Sensible heating capability Q1=1.16×(W1+W2)×(T2-T1)
Latent heating capability Q2=Δw×0.6269
W1: the mass of the distilled water (kg) when the inner pot is 64% full
W2: the distilled water mass (kg) in the outer pot
T1: the initial temperature of the distilled water in the inner pot (℃)
T2: the maximum water temperature of the distilled water (℃)
Δw: water evaporation quantity (g)
(3) The electric rice cooker’s labeled value and tested value must be more than 85.0%. The product’s measured heat efficiency value should be rounded up to the first decimal point.
The energy conservation label’s energy efficiency marking should be according to the following rules:
(1) The name and address of the user must be clearly marked on the product or package.
(2) If the user is an agent, the name and address of the manufacturer must be marked on the product or package.
(3) The product and the catalogue should be marked with the product’s thermal efficiency value.