Which products are qualified under the green procurement regulation?
Based on Articles 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the “Measures for Priority Procurement of Environmentally Preferable Products by the ROC Government Agencies”, three types of products qualify as environmentally preferable products, defined as follows:Type I products: products having awarded the license to use the Green Mark logo by the ROC MOENV, or products having awarded the license to use a foreign country's Type I logo which has reciprocal agreement with the Green Mark program;Type II products: products or product material that meet the requirements of "regenerated material, recyclable, low pollution and energy saving", yet do not fit into the Green Mark Product Category. These products or product material have to be verified and awarded a certificate by the ROC MOENV; Type III products: products which increase social benefit or reduce social cost, such products have to be certified by one responsible government agency as meeting the above requirements, and awarded certification document.
Lately update:2005/11/10 15:54:00